On the second anniversary of Kylie’s detention on September 13 2020, Kylie’s supporters from around the world came together to run in solidarity with our dear friend and colleague.
Kylie’s friends, neighbours and former teachers ran with her in Bathurst – here’s a video (by Ribbon Gang Media Agency) of their brave run along the Macquarie river. And below is just a snapshot of the photos that were sent through to us from around the world throughout the day, including from across Australia, Canada, USA, UK, Belgium, Germany, France, Qatar, Mexico and Peru!
Read about the background to the run here.

The Amnesty Hornsey and Wood Green group's annual sponsored walk (via email)
The Amnesty Hornsey and Wood Green group's annual sponsored walk (via email)

Kylie's friend Pamela Ferrada: "Thinking about Kylie and the joy she will feel when she is free to enjoy a sunny day like today at home" (Facebook)
Kylie's friend Pamela Ferrada: "Thinking about Kylie and the joy she will feel when she is free to enjoy a sunny day like today at home" (Facebook)

Kylie's friend Pamela Ferrada: "Stay strong my friend, so many people around the world are thinking of you today and demanding much more to be done to help you. Always in my heart" (Instagram)
Kylie's friend Pamela Ferrada: "Stay strong my friend, so many people around the world are thinking of you today and demanding much more to be done to help you. Always in my heart" (Instagram)

Lorraine Walker runs on the beach with Kylie at twilight (via email)
Lorraine Walker runs on the beach with Kylie at twilight (via email)

Glenn Bourne runs laps of the deck of the Offshore Support Vessel Go Koi, which is currently anchored off the coast of Broome, Western Australia (via email)
Glenn Bourne runs laps of the deck of the Offshore Support Vessel Go Koi, which is currently anchored off the coast of Broome, Western Australia (via email)

Chris Dean in Peterborough, UK: " Send my best wishes to Kylie Moore-Gilbert, she's an inspiration. And Kylie, keep up your good spirits please and please remain who you are and keep liking the things you do like, that's very important." (via email)
Chris Dean in Peterborough, UK: "
Send my best wishes to Kylie Moore-Gilbert, she's an inspiration. And Kylie, keep up your good spirits please and please remain who you are and keep liking the things you do like, that's very important." (via email)

"We dedicate our daily walk and dog run to Kylie, imprisoned in Qarchak. We know and love Kylie, and want her to be back home with her family, hoping for her soonest return. Sven K. and family, from California." (via email)
"We dedicate our daily walk and dog run to Kylie, imprisoned in Qarchak. We know and love Kylie, and want her to be back home with her family, hoping for her soonest return. Sven K. and family, from California." (via email)

Ulrike Kadar (Germany): "May heaven & earth work together to get her out of the horrible situation in prison and bring her back to her family, friends & colleges soon" (via email)
Ulrike Kadar (Germany): "May heaven & earth work together to get her out of the horrible situation in prison and bring her back to her family, friends & colleges soon" (via email)

Gwenn Okruhlik runs for Kylie in Fayetteville, Arkansas (Facebook)
Gwenn Okruhlik runs for Kylie in Fayetteville, Arkansas (Facebook)

Erika Bedyn and Holly run 5km for Kylie (Facebook)
Erika Bedyn and Holly run 5km for Kylie (Facebook)

Facebook user Arky Bub runs for her childhood friend Kylie in Peru
Facebook user Arky Bub runs for her childhood friend Kylie in Peru

Danielle Hollis runs 5km for Kylie (via email)
Danielle Hollis runs 5km for Kylie (via email)

Instagram user andieclements runs with Kylie
Instagram user andieclements runs with Kylie

Paulette runs for Kylie in the UK (Twitter)
Paulette runs for Kylie in the UK (Twitter)

Kim Jamieson and Marguerite McKibbin about to attempt a PB around Mount Panorama, Bathurst in support of Kylie (via Email)
Kim Jamieson and Marguerite McKibbin about to attempt a PB around Mount Panorama, Bathurst in support of Kylie (via Email)

Angus McKibbin finishing a gruelling run around Mount Panorama, Bathurst (via email)
Angus McKibbin finishing a gruelling run around Mount Panorama, Bathurst (via email)

Jim and Lyn in Brighton, UK walk with Kylie (via email)
Jim and Lyn in Brighton, UK walk with Kylie (via email)

Jacqueline Lindgren ran up Glastonbury Tor in the UK with Kylie (via email)
Jacqueline Lindgren ran up Glastonbury Tor in the UK with Kylie (via email)

Mark Dowler runs for Kylie in Bathurst (via email)
Mark Dowler runs for Kylie in Bathurst (via email)

Marilyn Rowe runs for Kylie (via email)
Marilyn Rowe runs for Kylie (via email)

Philippa Gemmell-Smith and Chrissie Thompson walk for Kylie (via email)
Philippa Gemmell-Smith and Chrissie Thompson walk for Kylie (via email)

Supporters in Berlin, Germany
Supporters in Berlin, Germany

Instagram user @anyafelicja and canine friend run with Kylie
Instagram user @anyafelicja and canine friend run with Kylie

Academics run for Kylie in the Australian Capital Territory (via email)
Academics run for Kylie in the Australian Capital Territory (via email)

Supporters in Berlin think of Kylie
Supporters in Berlin think of Kylie

Friends and neighbours in Bathurst gather before their run for Kylie (via email)
Friends and neighbours in Bathurst gather before their run for Kylie (via email)

Jason and family walk by the river for Kylie in Australia (via email)
Jason and family walk by the river for Kylie in Australia (via email)

Deb and Rob in Melbourne tell Kylie she's in their thoughts and prayers (via email)
Deb and Rob in Melbourne tell Kylie she's in their thoughts and prayers (via email)

Supporters of Kylie in Berlin
Supporters of Kylie in Berlin

Friends and neighbours of Kylie's run in her hometown of Bathurst
Friends and neighbours of Kylie's run in her hometown of Bathurst